Featured Doctors

Nisha Chellam, M.D. on crunch! Are seeds and nuts important? 

Bandana Chawla, M.D. Internal Medicine in Houston Texas –>  Is there something more important than getting more protein?

Munish Chawla, M.D.  Radiologist, Houston Texas –> Is candy good for you?

To be edited: (click to view unedited videos)

Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., M.D. on experiencing the full benefits of being plant-based, no oils

Neal Barnard M.D.  founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Greg Feinsinger, M.D. on vegetables and the China Study

Kim Scheuer M.D. on the benefits of cruciferous vegetables 

Coming soon:

Steve Kaufmam M.D.  – Topic TBA

Christina Miller, M.D. – Topic TBA

Dennis Grossman, M.D.   – Preventing  Osteoporosis

Arjun Rayapudy M.D.   – Topic TBA

Shobha Rayapudy M.D.  – Topic TBA

Leslie Fuller, DO    Anesthesiology, Topic TBA

Maria Anderson, M.D. Dangers of processed meats

Click here to check out Dr. Chellam on crunch!

Is there something more important then getting more protein? Watch what Dr. Bandan Chawla has to say.