Your Contribution Will Count
Your generous contribution to help people who are curious about the lifestyle solution to the chronic disease epidemic, as we support them on their journeys from curios to committed and healthy. These funds will go directly to help us deliver the FREE Just 1 Thing 4 Health program.
If you are also passionate about the devastating effects the Standard American Diet (SAD) please support this effort to help people change one lifestyle habit at a a time on their way to a life they too deserve.
We need to spread the word that there is a solution and we need to help others with this process that is easily doable.
Join our team that includes so many doctors, practitioners staff and volunteers in this effort to help make this a better world for ourselves, our children and grandchildren and all the generations to come.
If you have suffered from a preventable / treatable / reversible chronic disease, and have turned your life around, lets celebrate your new life by doing something to help humanity get closer to where nobody else will have to suffer the same. See the Celebration Wall.
If you have someone who suffered and died a painful and early death because of a preventable / treatable / reversible chronic disease, lets honor them by doing something to help humanity get closer to where nobody else will have to suffer the same. See the Memorial Wall.
Your tax-deductible charitable contribution of any amount will further this important work to change lives with the WFPB lifestyle.
Our mission is clear! Together we can reverse the chronic disease epidemic.
Consider being a part of it by providing your help with a Donation.
Please support our work.
Make your Donation TODAY!
Just click the image above or CLICK HERE.
Thank you in advance for your generous contribution. Contributions are tax-deductible through our Fiscal Sponsor. You will have all of the tax benefit information on your receipt.
NOTE: We will be opening a period of time for Investors to become a part of the Hippocrates Docs mission, by investing for a generous ROI. The open period and investment parameters will be announced in the next few weeks.
If you would like more information, please contact us. Also, it is possible to gain even more benefit by making a charitable contribution, as well as an investment. Ask us how.
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