J1T4H Week 4

Dr. Greg Feinsinger on Vegetables and The China Study

Just 1 Thing (at a time) 4 Health

“Because changing habits and lifestyle is daunting without support.”


Featured Doctor:  Greg Feinsinger MD

Dr. Greg Feinsinger practiced family medicine in Glenwood Springs, Colorado for over 40 years. He was introduced to the plant-based lifestyle for personal and for patient reasons about a decade ago. Now and throughout his retirement, Dr. Feinsinger’s interests are around the prevention of diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. He still counsels individuals about the health benefits of a plant-based, low fat diet and encourages them to consider this as an important part of their prevention and treatment plan, along with exercise.

Did you know that prevention of heart attacks, high cholesterol, high blood
pressure, atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases, dementia, breast, colon
and prostate cancer are preventable, and reversable?

Learn more from Dr. Feinsinger and watch the replay of the Physicians On Call – Challenge Empowerment Interview.

Dr. Feinsinger’s Challenge to You: 

“Eat More Plant-Based Foods”

Plant-based foods have a high nutrient per calorie ratio; micro nutrients that prevent and reverse obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, many inflammatory and auto-immune diseases, and prevent many kinds of cancer. Dr. Feinsinger also shares that Dr. Fuhrman has the following mnemonic for what you should eat every day: G-BOMBS, which stands for Grains, Berries, Onions (especially red ones), Mushrooms, Beans, and Seeds.

Here are some easy to follow steps to help you meet This Week’s Challenge:
[1]  Exclude all or as much as possible of these foods; all of which are calorie-dense; have few micronutrients; lack fiber; and have been shown to contribute to obesity, heart attacks and strokes, pre-diabetes and diabetes, hypertension, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, dementia including Alzheimer’s, and many types of cancer:
….1. Meat, including chicken.
….2. Dairy (including cheese and yogurt) and eggs.
….3. Seafood including all fish (mainly due to heavy metals and PCBs and other industrial pollutants).
….4. Oils of any kind including coconut and olive. Stir fry with water or veggie broth, for baking substitute apple sauce or ground flaxseed.
….5. Any food that has been processed (e.g. white bread, white rice, pasta unless it is made from something other than white flour).
….6. Sugar (check food label and see what the serving size is, then see how much sugar a  serving contains and remember that 4 grams of sugar = 1 tsp.)
….7. Salt (unless you have chronic kidney disease, use potassium chloride such as No-Salt Salt instead of sodium chloride).

[2]  Try Dr. Greger’s daily dozen: beans, berries, other fruits, cruciferous vegetables, greens, other vegetables, flaxseeds, nuts, spices, whole grains, beverages, exercise.

[3] Use this formula for body movement: Get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily, hard enough so you can talk but not sing. If 40 or older you also need to spend 20 min. twice a week doing strength training. If you have a desk job, get up and move every 30 minutes or use a standup desk.

[4]  Download Dr. Feinsinger’s Resources Page.  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Remember, “Most people in this country die of heart attacks, and almost all heart attacks are preventable.” -Greg Feinsinger, MD, Founder – Heart Attack, Stroke and Diabetes Prevention Center, CO

Here are some of Dr. Feinsinger’s personal favorite resources:

1.  Biggest Challenge Tip:  Start with ½ of what you eat everyday being a variety of vegetables and ideally the other ½ being fruits and whole grains.

2.  Favorite plant-based recipe: Dessert – Cut up bananas once a week and put them in baggies and then the freezer. Every evening right after dinner, put a handful in a bowl along with some frozen organic berries. Thaw in the microwave, then add a little raw, rolled oats and some unsweetened almond milk. Be mindful as you eat this, and appreciate that it tastes great and that each bite you eat is providing your body with wonderful micronutrients. IT’S IMPORTANT TO EAT YOUR DESSERT RIGHT AFTER YOUR EVENING MEAL, SO YOUR BODY JUST HAS TO SECRETE AN INSULIN BOLUS ONCE.

Learn more from Dr Feinsinger… 
• Learn More About the nonprofit at:  Center For Prevention and Treatment of Disease Through Nutrition

• Favorite website:  Dr. Greger’s website, nutritionfacts.org. You can subscribe to it for free and you will get a short video or blog every day except Sunday, about something to do with nutrition. Very evidence-based.

Great Videos on DVD to Watch:
1. Forks Over Knives is an excellent, 90 minute documentary that features T. Colin Campbell, PhD (The China Study) and Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. (Cleveland Clinic), and is a good way to get introduced to the science behind plant-based nutrition. Available in Spanish.…..
2. Dietitian Jeff Novick’s Fast Food DVD series is helpful if you don’t cook and just want the cheapest, easiest way to make healthy meals.
Favorite Books:
1. HOW NOT TO DIE, by Michael Greger, M.D. The chapters in the first half are about how not to die from cardiovascular disease, various cancers, etc. The second half is about what we should be eating and why. Available in Spanish.
2. THE END OF HEART DISEASE, by Joel Fuhrman, M.D., full of good, up-to-date information.

3. Cookbooks: THE FORKS OVER KNIVES COOKBOOK, OH SHE GLOWS, Isa Does It. Check the internet for the many other vegan, low fat cookbooks that are out there.


… and of course, keep your Subscription active and participate in the Just 1 Thing 4 Health Program.

The 7 Original Heroes of the Movement

Featured Hero:   Dr. T. Colin Campbell

Dr. T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemist who specializes in the effect of nutrition on long-term health. He is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University.

Dr. Campbell has become known for his advocacy of a low-fat, whole foods, plant-based diet. He is the author of over 300 research papers and three books, The China Study (2005, co-authored with his son, Thomas M. Campbell II, which became one of America’s best-selling books about nutrition), Whole (2013) and The Low-Carb Fraud(2014). Dr. Campbell was featured in the 2011 American documentary Forks Over Knives.

One of the lead scientists of the China–Cornell–Oxford Project on diet and disease, set up in 1983 by Cornell University, the University of Oxford, and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Dr. Campbell explored the relationship between nutrition and cancer, heart, and metabolic diseases. The study was described by The New York Times as “the Grand Prix of epidemiology”.

–> Click Here to Read More 

In the News

1]  10,000 To Attend Beijing Pop Plant-Based Festival As Veganism Grows In China… Beijing’s first-ever Pop Plant-Based Festival will take in September – reflecting the growth of veganism in China.The event is to feature a big outdoor plant-based market, outdoor fitness festival, live music, and nighttime party. With 100 vendors, 100 media partners, and an estimated 10,000 attendees, the event serves as a massive platform for promoting the plant-based lifestyle to young people. Attendees are said to include industry leaders, plant-based vendors, and Chinese celebrities.
2] Change is happening – 3 Major WFPB Conferences within 3 months … 
If you think that the momentum isn’t growing for the WFPB solution to the chronic disease epidemics, here is a little evidence: There were 3 major conferences within 3 months, each attended by about 1000 doctors and other plant-based practitioners.
    1. Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine hosted one in August. Next year’s conference will be jointly created by The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences and the Physicians Committee. July 26-27, 2019

    2. Plant-Based Nutrition Healthcare Conference September 14 – 17 2018

    3. American College of Lifestyle Medicine (Upcoming in October) 
3] The Financial Times has revealed the cover for its weekend supplement – and it is vegan-themed…
According to the outlet, its weekend magazine will look at ditching animal products in-depth. “This is a special vegan-themed food special where we look at the challenges and benefits of going vegan,” a social media post.
4] Nutrition 2018: New data confirms health benefits of plant-based diet … It’s heart healthy good news. Plant-based diets are becoming more popular in the United States. A 2017 report found that 6 percent of people in the U.S. now identify as vegan, compared with just 1 percent in 2014.

5] Just 1 Thing 4 Health Program – The Success Continues!With doctors feeling they have another avenue to provide support for their patients that they too are participating in, it’s not only rewarding, it’s exciting for them.


Celebrate with us as we celebrate with you being on this journey to health and wellness. Now is your chance to be a bigger part of the ripple effect we are seeing be created.


Don’t forget to Invite your family and friends to be a part of this journey with you.

All you have to do is forward this link with a note to say “You’ve got to sign up for this. It’s free and it’s worth it!”

Tips from the Kitchen

-Deliciousness from the Kitchen
Here’s a crowd favorite, especially during football season, who doesn’t love tacos?  Try these for a change, they’re deliciousness from Plantiful Wellness!

Click this link or the Image and check out the recipe details

-Need a Recipe for a Tasty Dish? Here’s something that’s Tastes Cheesylicious!

Even mac n cheese can be made plant strong and heart healthy!

We love to share our recipes and invite you to share yours in our Facebook Group.

Whole Food, Plant-Based Resources

Evidence based, medical research:
Enjoy lots of great information to start this journey in the Vegetarian Starter Kit from PCRM.
What diet should physicians recommend?  Let’s ask Dr. Greger!
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!! Veggies and their impact on mood. It’s all good!
Be sure to join our Facebook Group and share your realizations. Here’s a handy link to easily get there and join Hippocrates Docs and those participating in the Just 1 Thing (at a time) 4 Health.
Are you keeping your journal up to date noting your food changes and insights?

From all of us at Hippocrates Docs, on behalf of Just 1 Thing 4 Health,
have a great week and remember your Challenge for this week is to:
“Eat More Plant-Based Foods”

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