Dr. Bandana Chawla on Fiber
Just 1 Thing (at a time) 4 Health
“Because changing habits and lifestyle is daunting without support.”
Featured Doctor: Bandana Chawla MD
Dr. Chawla loves being a part of the whole foods, plant-based movement and appreciates having been introduced to it by some of her patients that improved their health by taking the action to change their nutritional intake, many of these actions she outlines in her video.
Learn more from Dr. Chawla and watch the replay of the Physicians On Call – Challenge Empowerment Call
Dr. Chawla’s Challenge to You: “Eat More Fiber”
Every day be mindful to eat at least 1 item at 1 meal that contains high fiber.
Here are some easy to follow steps to help you meet This Week’s Challenge:
- Download the free food diary from either the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) or National Institutes of (NIH)
- Every day make a point of adding more fiber to at least one of your meals or snacks.
- Keep adding more fiber until you reach the recommended amounts
- USDA recommends 25 – 30 gr / day
- Plant-based doctors recommend 40 – 50 gr / day
- Keep adding more fiber until you reach the recommended amounts
- Journal your daily fiber consumption and notice how differently you will feel.
- Keep this information handy and study it throughout the week.
- Be sure to consult your doctor or a plant-based doctor if you have any questions or if you suspect anything being wrong in how you feel.
How much fiber is in different foods?
Here are some of Dr. Chawla’s personal favorite resources:
Favorite source of additional info:
Favorite Studies: The China Study and Adventist Health Study https://publichealth.llu.edu/adventist-health-studies
Favorite Recipes: Healthy Vegan Cheese and Green Smoothie, both on her website – https://embeeplantphysicians.org/bonus-recipe-vegan-cheese-sauce-no-oil/ and https://embeeplantphysicians.org/recipe-of-the-month-green-smoothie/Here are her TIPS on how to successfully make specific changes:
-PCRM 21-Day Kickstart. As Dr Barnard says, “Just give it a month and see how you feel.”
-Plant Pure Nation – Quite affordable delivered plant-based meals https://www.plantpurenation.com/
-Find a Plant based Dr near you to help you with the transition and help you reduce and take off meds – https://www.plantbaseddoctors.org/find… and of course, keep an active Subscription and participate in the Just 1 Thing 4 Health Program.
The 7 Original Heroes of the Movement
Featured Hero: Dr. Dean Ornish
Dr. Dean Ornish has built his reputation on advocating for a lifestyle-driven approach to the control of coronary artery disease (CAD) and other chronic diseases. He promotes day-to-day changes that include whole foods, plant- based diets, quitting smoking, moderate exercise, stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation, and psychosocial support.
Dr. Ornish’s approach has established a spectrum of food groups, ranked from the healthiest (“Group 1”) to indulgent (“Group 5”). Typically, an approach which prioritizes the former end of the spectrum ensures greater benefits in terms of weight loss and overall health.
–>To read more, Click This Link
In the News
10 Experts Shared their Knowledge both Live and Live Streaming, from a Colorado location that created a ripple effect of healing that spread near and far. The organizer and a presenter was our own Jerry Casados, NTP, Plant-Based Nutritionist, McDougall Starch Solution Certified Instructor. See highlights in our Facebook Group.
IT’S OFFICIAL!! Hooray! We are all in and the whole food, plant-based doctors, nutritionists and other health and wellness practitioners share what we know can change the quality of your life. We are celebrating a momentous occasion and we’re celebrating YOU! Now is your chance to be a bigger part of the ripple effect we are all creating.
Be sure to join us for the “Physicians On Call” LIVE and Replays where the Doctors will share more information. Have questions, join us to ask and get your questions answered.
Invite your family and friends to be a part of this journey with you. All you have to do is forward this link with a note to say, “You’ve got to sign up for this. It’s free and it’s worth it! I’ll tell you more later.” http://just1thing4health.com
Tips from the Kitchen

-Makes 2 1-cup servings
Whole Food, Plant-Based Resources
Dr. Michael Greger reviews some of the research on Fiber and explains some simple guidelines to ensure appropriate fiber consumption in the following video:
A study exploring the effects of fiber on type II diabetes and cancers:
From the Us Government’s National Institutes of Health:
High-carbohydrate, high-fiber diets for insulin-treated men with diabetes mellitus.

From all of us at Hippocrates Docs, on behalf of Just 1 Thing 4 Health,
have a great week and remember your Challenge for this week is to:
“Eat More Fiber”
Here’s to your good health and learning more about how food can be your medicine.