JANET LASH has always believed in living a healthy lifestyle, eating mostly plant-based, having a robust exercising regimen and staying focused spiritually through a practice of meditation and affirmations. However, when her husband was struck with a life threating autoimmune disease several years ago, eating healthier and incorporating a plant-based diet into both of their lives became more of her focus.
This was more than a wake up call, this was the beginning of a new future. While Janet always expressed to friends and associates her desire to share a plant-based lifestyle, she was more committed knowing it was really become a life and death matter.

Janet is a Senior event consultant known for excellence, style, calmness, and commitment to delivering on her client's unique event requirements. She has more than 20 years of cultivating long-term relationships and successfully fulfilling on consistent high-caliber and stylish events on-time and within budget, including influencing her clients to add more whole plant foods into their event menus.
Janet is passionate about bringing that same presence to facilitating her groups and empowering more people to change their lives for better health.
Janet joins us as one of our powerful WFPB lifestyle advocates and a Certified Facilitator of the My Health, My Priority! 12-Weeks to Wellness Program. See below to find out if this is a program for you and enroll in Janet's next group.
Are you ready to upgrade your health, changing your eating to change your life?
Whether your Doctor wants you to change your diet or you are the curious researcher and feel your eating habits have or will get you into a health crisis, the My Health, My Priority! Program could be your answer.

This Program helps make it easier for you to be more successful in implementing the simple lifestyle that medical research has proven our bodies need for health and longevity.
Janet's Next Weekly Group BEGINS SOON:
CLICK HERE to Find Out How to Enroll
You can do this and change habits and behaviors for your lifetime.
Give yourself the gift of life and I would love to help you do that. As an Integrative Health & Nutrition Coach and a thriving cancer survivor, Kim stands ready to help you on your journey to optimal health and wellness.
It's Your Time! It's Your Year! CLICK HERE to
We are a part of the Whole Foods, Plant-Based Lifestyle Movement and the My Health, My Priority! Educational and Experiential 12-Weeks to Wellness Program is our way of helping to move the needle. Your making improvements in your health using Food as Medicine is our mission.
All Rights Reserved (c) 2020 Hippocrates Docs and Just 1 Thing 4 Health