J1T4H Week 27

Dr. Michael Goldberg on Fasting Forward

Just 1 Thing (at a time) 4 Health

“Because changing habits and lifestyle is daunting without support.”


Has fasting for better health been a topic you’ve wanted more information about? What is fasting, really? How can you tell if it’s right for you? What are the adverse effects, if any that one might expect? What is the best way to fast for better health?

Doctor:    Michael Goldberg, MD

Dr. Michael Goldberg is a General Practitioner who started his medical career in 1995 as a volunteer in Israel’s emergency medical services and continued in different capacities both in military and civilian settings and today, he focuses his energy working in the Emergency Room, treating his patients with the highest degree of care and service. Dr. Goldberg was so inspired by Dr. McDougall’s lecture on YouTube, called “The Starch Solution”, he went on to complete the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Course through Cornell University and a 2-month internship in medical supervision of water-only fasting patients at the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, completing his own 14 day water only fast while there. He brings his knowledge, experience helping patients to complete fasting, and his passion to share this information to us this week.

Being mindful of the  benefits of fasting is only one part of knowing if it is something that is right for you. There are some pitfalls that can be avoided when you have the right information, consult with the right person, and get the right support.

In this 4 minute video, Dr. Goldberg gives you the information you need to start considering if fasting is right for you and how to proceed. He suggests joining us for the upcoming Physicians On Call LIVE Q&A to get even more information, to set the best intention, create the most energetic affirmations, and take the right actions for the best possible fasting results.

In the meantime, watch this and answer the Challenge given to you here.

When you’ve been given the right introduction to the importance and benefits of Fasting, you can participate to abstain from all or some kinds of food, drink (and/or behavior) with the right intentions, expecting the best results and causing the right outcomes.

Increase your knowledge about fasting to determine what’s best for you. For long-term fasting, medical supervision is recommended to make sure the body is not put into starvation or unnecessary fatigue leading to potential dangerous physical reaction.

Dr. Goldberg’s Challenge to you:

Learn more about fasting, do only what is right for your body after consulting with your Doctor and/or a good Nutritionist. Only do a long-term fast under a Doctor’s supervision.

Download Dr. Goldberg’s Challenge Information Sheet, get more evidence-based information and get great resource ideas, and stay plugged in right here at Just 1 Thing 4 Health.

Be sure to read the highlights of related ARTICLES we’ve gathered below. They are the science, research and other published medical articles on the subject. And don’t miss the RECIPES for Delicious Dishes!


Find out more about our Featured Doctor and take in the answers to the questions asked at the Live Q&A Interview …

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To assist you on your journey, here are some easy to follow steps to help you meet This Week’s Challenge:

Here is some information on the different kinds of fasts and some information about them, including:

1. Dry Fasting
….a. no water
….b. no food
….c. practically nothing ingested
….d. historically done as a religious practice on special dates
….e. done for very short periods of time, usually 1 to 2 days

2. Water Only Fasting
….a. drinking only pure water for extended periods of time between 3 and 40 days
….b. best results when medically supervised by trained professionals
….c. when done right, is the most powerful, cost effective and safe medical intervention and detox that Dr. Goldberg has come across thus far
….d. absolutely contraindicated for Type 1 diabetics and pregnant women
….e. not recommended for moderate to severe underweight people
….f. a great transition protocol to a whole food plant-based diet
….g. excellent for reversing the short and long term effect for most chronic and acute diseases like hypertension, diabetes type 2, inflammation, detoxification etc

3. Juice Fasting
….a. drinking only fresh vegetable fruit juices in water
….b. low caloric intake fast (around 600 Cal per day)
….c. usually a short detox protocol
….d. can be part of the food reintroduction protocol after a long water-only fast
….e. a safe protocol for people that cannot stop their daily medications

4. Intermittent Fasting
….a. limiting the eating time period window to only several hours per day
….b. example: not eating before 11:00 a.m. and not eating after 6:00 p.m.
….c. can be done once a week and up to an everyday practice
….d. a very effective and proven healthy long-term weight loss protocol
….e. enables maintaining normal day-to-day activities
….f. best done on a whole food plant-based diet

5. Caloric Restriction
….a. eating dramatically less calories than required daily
….b. proven to be an ineffective long-term weight loss protocol
….c. rightfully termed yo-yo diet

During fasting, although we seem to be relatively inactive, many mechanisms are actually highly sped up (especially the detox pathways and the flexibility to change things).

If we research history, practically in every religion there is a long history of fasting, including Master Jesus Christ (40 days), Prophet Mohammad, “Ha’ARI Hakadosh”, Dr. Mikao Usui (21 days), Lord Buddha (40 days), Mahatma Gandhi and the list goes on and on and on…

Mindfulness, intentions and positive affirmations added as a daily practice along with fasting, are shown to also be beneficial. Consider a detox and rewire thoughts using positive affirmations.

Download Dr. Goldberg’s Information Sheet with a powerful Affirmation he shares.

Dr. Michael Goldberg’s Favorites:

Fasting Supervision and Lifestyle Care in the Tradition of Natural Hygiene
by Alec Burton, Nejla Burton, et al. | Mar 14, 2018
Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor’s Program For Conquering Disease
by Dr. Joel Fuhrman | Jan 19, 2015
The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended
by Jason Fung and Jimmy Moore | Oct 16, 2016
The Startch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health and Lose the Weight for Good!
by Dr. John A. McDougall | June 4, 2013
The China Study Revised and Expanded: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-Term Health 
by T. Colin Campbell, PhD and Thomas M. Campbell II, MD  |  December 22, 2016
Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health Paperback
by Gene Stone (Editor), T. Colin Campbell (Foreword),  Caldwell B. Esselstyn (Foreword)

TrueNorth Health Center, CA
McDougall Center, Santa Rosa, CA

Dr. Goldberg’s YouTube playlist on Fasting
TrueNorth Health Center – Dr. Alan Goldhamer D.C 
Buchinger-Wilhelmi clinic in Germany
Fasting in Russia (Lake Baikal)

-Just type “Fasting” or any other topic you may be interested in, in these websites:
Dr. Mcdougall M.D
Dr. Fuhrman M.D
-Dr. Greger M.D   https://nutritionfacts.org
Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) by Dr. Jason Fung M.D
Prof. Valter Longo PhD.
-Hippocrates Docs    https://hippocratesdocs.com

The 7 Original Heroes of the Movement

Honoring the 7 Original Heroes
of the Whole Food, Plant-Based Lifestyle Movement

Honoring Those Who Continue to Lead the Way…

We are honored to join forces with these Original 7 and every other doctor who is a part of the Movement to bring a greater level of awareness, health and wellness to adults, children, pets, animals and the planet.

Enjoy what we’ve put together honoring the 7 Original Heroes of the Whole Food, Plant-Based Lifestyle Movement.

–> Click Here to Read More

This week, we want you to get to know more about 

Dr. John A. McDougall

Physician, Nutrition Expert, Teacher, Founder of the nationally renowned McDougall Program in Santa Rosa, CA, Author of “The Startch Solution”

Author of “The Startch Solution” which has been known to not just change lives, but save lives, Dr. McDougall has recently co-authored AB 1478, a bill asking for even more informed consent for the people of the state of California. One part of this bill requires doctors to tell patients that heart surgery does not save lives in most cases and that diet is a real answer. The second part requires doctors to tell patients that common medications for type-2 diabetes increase their risk of dying and that diet will help them greatly. The bill is in committee now. Dr. McDougall has been said to wonder if there will be any negative repercussions for himself from colleagues when AB 1478 is passed into law.

Dr. McDougall’s education began in October of 1965, at age 18, when he suffered a massive stroke that left him completely paralyzed on the left side of his body for 2 weeks, and he remains noticeably physically weakened even now, years later. This was his first real contact with the businesses of medicine, and without this opportunity he says he would have never become a physician. Understanding the importance of diet and fasting, in May of 2002, the first McDougall Program was started at the Flamingo Resort in Santa Rosa, California.

–>Click here to read more.


Here you will find the articles and news that supports the positive progression of the Whole Food Plant-Based Movement. The Hippocrates Docs Family of Doctors and Practitioners who advocate for this way of eating and lifestyle are glad to bring this to you, their family, friends, patients, and the world.

While we celebrate the progress of the work, we celebrate YOU! Enjoy this month’s curation of articles and information.

**Eight Benefits of Fasting Backed by Science
Despite its recent surge in popularity, fasting is a practice that dates back centuries and plays a central role in many cultures and religions. Fasting has been shown to have many health benefits, from increased weight loss to better brain function.

**Fasting – Back to the Future – The Rediscovery of Water-Only Fasting
Although the notion of electing to go without food for prolonged periods of time to improve one’s health has not been something commonly considered in recent times, fasting has a long and important history. In fact, fasting played a vitally large part in early human survival. Fortunately, this ancient knowledge is making a dramatic comeback and is beginning to transform the way modern health care providers view their responsibilities to patients.

**High Blood Pressure – Learning to Live Without It – Water-Only Fasting and Blood Pressure
In a study conducted at the TrueNorth Health Center in California and published in the June 2001 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, the use of water-only fasting followed by a low-fat, low-salt vegan diet demonstrated the largest effect on lowering blood pressure of any study in the scientific literature. The average drop in systolic blood pressure in 174 consecutive patients was 37 points. In those patients with higher levels of blood pressure, starting at what is called Stage 3 hypertension (where the systolic blood pressure exceeds 180 points or 180 mm/Hg), the average reduction was 60 points!

**Who Benefits From Medically Supervised Fasting?
In the world of our ancient ancestors, fasting occurred primarily by force, not by choice. Humans would fast when resources became scarce, such as when spring came late. The ability of humans to fast was a biological necessity born from the disproportionate use of glucose by the brain. Were it not for the biological adaptation we call fasting, our species would never have survived. During fasting, the body preferentially utilizes fat for energy and breaks down other tissues in inverse order to their importance to the body.

**Top 5 Misconceptions About Food: A Doctor’s Daily Experience
As a primary care doctor, I spend my days taking care of patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and obesity. I also see “healthy” patients whose eating habits are starting them on the road to a future filled with doctor’s appointments and hospital visits. I enjoy reminding my patients that their fork can be more powerful than my prescription pad when it comes to preventing and reversing chronic diseases. This conversation usually uncovers some common misconceptions about food and nutrition. This article cover 5 myths that Dr. Michelle McMacken, MD hears almost every day from patients and colleagues alike.

Celebrate with us as we join you on your journey to health and w0ellness. Now is your chance to be a bigger part of the ripple effect being created.

Be sure to tune in to watch every new  “Physicians On Call LIVE”  when each Doctor answers your questions LIVE on the topic of the week, or another issue you may be curious about.

Also ask your questions in our Facebook Group. Our Doctors and those who want to support you are there, ready and willing to help.

Don’t forget to Invite your family and friends to be a part of this journey with you. Through the END OF MARCH, everyone who subscribes gets 3 months of upgraded access to the program. 

All you have to do is send a text or FB message to those you know with a note to say “You’ve got to sign up for this. It’s free and it’s worth it!”

Tips from the Kitchen

-Deliciousness from the Kitchen

**Roasted Carrot and Fennel Salad

The colors shine through in this sweet and tangy Roasted Carrot and Fennel Salad with homemade dressing.


-Need a Recipe for a Tasty Dish? Try this Bite of Deliciousness!

**Yummy Mini Watermelons

These adorable mini-watermelons from baby cucumbers and watermelon hearts are great for lunches or as hors d’oeuvre.


We love to share our recipes and invite you to share yours in our Facebook Group.

Whole Food, Plant-Based Resources

Evidence based, medical research, recipes and other resources and stories that will support you on your journey:     

**Circadian Rhythm Fasting
“So here’s the deal. There is some good scientific evidence suggesting that circadian rhythm fasting, when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can be a particularly effective approach to weight loss, especially for people at risk for diabetes.”

**Study Points to Longer Periods of Fasting May ‘Reboot’ the Immune System
“Another study, conducted by Dr. Valter Longo and colleagues from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, found longer periods of fasting – 2-4 days – may even “reboot” the immune system, clearing out old immune cells and regenerating new ones – a process they say could protect against cell damage caused by factors such as aging and chemotherapy.”

**Can Water Fasting Help Overcome Debilitating Disorders?
There is bountiful anecdotal evidence from people who claim that water fasting helped them overcome debilitating disorders. Current research backs up many of these claims. Animal studies have found that alternate day fasting caused a major reduction in the incidence of cancer and metabolic syndrome. Rodents placed on an intermittent fast had fewer incidences of neurological disorders.

**Water, Cells, and Human Health: New Breakthroughs
Of course, your body needs water for hydration, but is there more to it than that? Yes there is, according to Dr. Gerald H. Pollack, a professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Pollack and his team have made some discoveries that challenge our current understanding of water. They found that water behaves oddly within living cells. Close to the cell membrane, water organizes itself in a series of gel-like layers, rather than as a completely fluid solution.

**Lori’s Super Green Pear Juice (Anti-inflammatory and full of calcium, Vitamin C and antioxidants!)
1 inch ginger, peeled
½ lemon, rind removed
2 stalks organic celery
3 large leaves organic kale
½ large organic English cucumber
1 Bosc or green pear, quartered

-Juice in the above order, running ¼ cup spring water through the juicer at the end. Pour into a large glass and enjoy!

**Cucumber and Kale Open-Faced Sandwich
The layer of kale and mustard together in this sandwich is delicious, particularly when you use a great mustard.

**Brussels Sprouts with Maple-Mustard Sauce
Yummie brussels sprouts braised in a pressure cooker with a tangy-sweet combination of Dijon mustard and maple syrup make the mouth water.


Here’s a handy link to easily LIKE our Facebook Page.  We are the catalyst for change, Just 1 Thing [at a time] 4 Health.

Are you keeping your journal up to date noting your food changes and insights?

We’re preparing a free resource to help you. Coming Soon!

We hope you enjoy this information and we’d love to hear your comments. Is there more you’re curious about learning?.

You’re learning from 30 leading doctors regarding what they urge their patients to do to change their lifestyle for health! These doctors are passionate about the work they do helping their patients get the most amazing health outcomes and they want to help you.
Remember to share and invite your family and friends to join us on this journey. Let’s fuel the prevention and reversal of the leading chronic disease killers and help heal the world.

From all of us at Hippocrates Docs, on behalf of Just 1 Thing 4 Health,
have a great week and remember to focus on your Challenge for this week.

To Your Plantiful Good Health!

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