The Father of Western Medicine Was Right!
Hippocrates would hardly be surprised by the data on the table today. Abundant scientific information has firmly established the role of nutrition in health. Studies funded and endorsed by authorities as diverse as the NIH and Bill and Melinda Gates continue to expand and confirm the Greek’s dictate to “let food be thy medicine.”
But even as our awareness grows, so do the costs. Heart disease—this country’s leading cause of death for the past few decades—still kills one American every 90 seconds. Over $700 billion U.S. dollars are spent annually on combined costs for cancer, stroke and diabetes—the number two, four and seven, respectively, of the top ten American killers.
These statistics prevail more than two decades after Neal Barnard, M.D., T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D, Caldwell B. Esselstyn, M.D., Joel Fuhrman, M.D., Michael Greger, M.D., John A. McDougall, M.D., and Dean Ornish, M.D.began publishing significant data linking plant-based diets to prevention and reversal of heart disease.
The current data are in fact so strong that Medicare now covers cardiac rehabilitation programs based on the Pritikin and Ornish plans for people with a history of cardiovascular disease. Private insurers are beginning to consider similar plans in response to the rousing demands of a food-conscious public.
People Listen to Their Health Care Provider
Many Americans have taken on the challenge themselves. Some are exposed to scientific evidence, others concerned about risks in personal genetics. We all know as a society we have become fatter and under-nourished; our children face obesity, diabetes and possibly a shorter lifespan than their parents. The top killers have not changed in decades.
We know that ultimately the responsibility for health is up to each of us as individuals, but most people still rely on the medical profession for advice – as well as on dieticians, nutritionists and other practitioners to fine-tune knowledge and share evidence-based information about prevention and wellness. When people do get sick, these partnerships are crucial to healing.
The Science
Hippocrates Docs is committed to making sure you know all there is to know about using food for medicine. Our site will always have the best blogs and articles by medical providers, patient outcome successes and scientific research to support prescribing a Whole Foods Plant-Based, no/low oils and no sugar diet (WFPB). We are dedicated to keeping up with the latest research on diseases or chronic conditions that are being prevented or reversed through the adoption of plant-based lifestyles.
A 2013 study funded by NIH concluded that: “plant-based diets are cost-effective, low-risk interventions that may lower body mass index, blood pressure, HbA1C, and cholesterol levels. They may also reduce the number of medications needed to treat chronic diseases and lower ischemic heart disease mortality rates. Physicians should consider recommending a plant-based diet to all their patients, especially those with high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or obesity.” Click here to read the study.
For links to our library of articles and abstracts, visit our Evidence & Research page.
Fill a Script for Food
In the words of Caldwell Esselstyn: “We are on the cusp of what could be an absolute revolution in health – dependent not on pills, procedures or operations, but on lifestyle.”
Patients and clients need the leadership, guidance and support of their providers—now more than ever before. Physicians and practitioners have unique roles in moving our society towards health care solutions that not only save lives, but billions of dollars!
Hippocrates said more about food, and about disease:
“With regard to healing the sick,” he said, “I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.”
When it’s time to prescribe plant-based medicines, the Hippocrates Docs food program can be the bridge. By eliminating the stress of shopping and preparing new, healthier meals, people have more energy for the other components of their overall wellness plans—like exercise, group support and spending time with family and friends.
And Finally — THE FINE PRINT!
Side effects may include: more energy, weight loss, better sleep, lower blood pressure, improved blood sugar levels, and possibly eliminating the need for diabetic prescriptions; reducing or possibly eliminating the need for statins; reduced risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes; a decrease in the rate of aging and extended life span.
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