Dr. Michael Goldberg on Water – The Natural Harmonizer
Just 1 Thing (at a time) 4 Health
“Because changing habits and lifestyle is daunting without support.”
Featured Doctor: Michael Goldberg, MD
Dr. Michael Goldberg was so inspired by Dr. McDougall’s lecture on YouTube, called “The Starch Solution”, he went on to complete the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Course through Cornell University and a 2-month internship in medical supervision of water-only fasting patients at the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California.
How aware are you about water as a natural harmonizer in the body? Did you know that water is also a natural pain killer?
In this video, Dr. Goldberg shares answers to these questions and he gives you the knowledge so you can drink optimal amounts of water to stay hydrated, heal and stay mindful of what your body needs to function at its best.
Did you know that water carries an imprint, or has so called “memory”,
as shown by experiments done by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto.
Learn more from Dr. Goldberg and watch the replay of the Physicians On Call – Challenge Empowerment Interview
Dr. Goldberg’s Challenge to You: “Drink More Optimal Amounts of Water – The Natural Harmonizer”
When you are properly hydrated, your body can more easily function and heal. The human body is about 2/3 water and that’s also the surface percentage of water on planet earth. Water carries an imprint or has so called “memory”, as shown by experiments done by the late Dr. Masaru Emoto. The lifestyle elements in order of importance are: Water, Diet, Sleep, and Exercise. Do these consistently and live a healthy, strong life.
Coconut water and blood plasma have a very similar mineral content and it was used historically as IV infusion. Not only is water a pain killer, it is a blood cleanser.
Fasting can provide some surprising health improvement results. The information was so inviting that there will be more on fasting and a Challenge in the coming weeks.
Here are some easy to follow steps to help you meet This Week’s Challenge:
1. Drink only water! This does not take into account, water content in soft drinks, soups, juices, coffee, tea, beer, wine, or fruits. Drink water. Calculate the optimal amount of water to drink every day this way:
…Body weight in Kg x 35 = amount in ML.
…Example: 100kg person will drink 100 x 35 – 3500 ml = 3.5L per day
2. As you wake up in the morning, slowly drink 2 glasses of room temperature water.
3. Half an hour before every meal, drink 1 glass of water.
4. 2 hours after every meal, drink 2 glasses of water.
5. Avoid drinking during your meals as water douses the fire & of digestion.
6. Slowly drink the remaining amount (total daily amount minus the specific glasses mentioned here), throughout your day.
7. Avoid drinking more than one glass at a time. Large amounts of water that we drink all at once, will stress the body and will be eliminated quickly and forcefully, not allowing for all the health promoting benefits to take place.
8. Add a Water drinking reminder app on your phone.
1. If you are currently on any kind of medication or suffering from any health issue, especially kidney and/or heart disease, please consult with your primary care physician about any changes you plan to make.
2. Please start slowly. Only drink a little more every day, until you get to your calculated goal in a matter of 2-3 weeks.
When you consume water in an optimal manner, you stay hydrated and the body can more easily heal and keep itself healthy.
Here are some of Dr. Goldberg’s personal favorite resources:
1. Biggest Challenge Tip: Drink water as Dr. Goldberg discusses in items #1-7 above.
2. Favorite plant-based nutrition information and recipes: There are many great recipes and nutrition information at:
3. Download Dr. Goldberg’s Gift: Video Transcript with additional links to resources you may be interested in. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
Other great information: Properly filtered running water is superior to standing bottled water. It’s better to have a good filtration system (like reverse osmosis or a combination of mechanical filtration plus an active carbon filter) than drinking from plastic water bottles.
… and of course he highly recommends that you keep your Subscription active and participate in the Just 1 Thing 4 Health Program.
The 7 Original Heroes of the Movement
Featured Hero: Dr. Neal Barnard
Dr. Neal Barnard is an American author, clinical researcher and founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). He serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine, having also founded the Barnard Medical Center under the banner of PCRM. The Center provides primary care with an emphasis on diet and preventative medicine. He is also one of the expert voices joining Hippocrates Docs and the Just 1 Thing 4 Health (J1T4H) program.
Growing up as part of a cattle-ranching family in North Dakota and the son of a physician, Dr. Barnard received his medical school training and degree in psychiatry at George Washington University School of Medicine. During his time at George Washington, he began to explore the health benefits of a vegan diet, later adopting veganism. Dr. Barnard has written for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and his often cited by the organization, having also appeared in the 2011 documentary feature film Forks Over Knives.
In the News
A meat-based diet is known to be damaging to the environment, and its excessive water footprint is now also a major concern. By contrast, a vegan diet uses five times less water than a meat-based diet, a study by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) has found.Using socio-economic data, national food surveys, and international food consumption and water footprint databases, the study is the most detailed nationwide food consumption-related water footprint to date. It explored geographical differences in water footprint values for existing diets (i.e., the total volume of freshwater used to produce goods), as well as for the reduction in water footprints associated with a change to the recommended healthy diets. It summarised that opting for a meat-free diet is not only beneficial to health but also substantially reduces the dissipation of water resources consistently for all geographical entities.
The initiative that seeks to ‘raise the status’ of animals in order to improve welfare standards around the globe is celebrated in different ways around the world. It ‘mobilizes the animal welfare movement into a global force to make the world a better place for all animals’. Events celebrating the day included: shelter open days; conferences and workshops; fundraising events such as concerts, sponsored walks, shelter open days, and peaceful protest marches.
The 36th annual World Day for Farmed Animals brought animal rights activists around the globe to a day of fasting, in solidarity with farmed animals. The action marks the 36th annual World Day for Farmed Animals, started by the Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM), which works to ‘end the use of animals for food through public education and grassroots activism’.World Day for Farmed Animals takes place annually, on or around October 2, in concurrence with Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. Gandhi once famously said: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated.”
Diagnosed with brain cancer when he was 20 years old and after conventional treatment left him feeling sick and with lasting side effects, he discovered the power of a whole food, plant-based diet, and took control of his life. This young man’s testimonial is a moving account about the impact of surgery, post-surgery treatment and introducing himself to a plant-based diet that saved his life. Now he’s on a mission.
5] Amy’s Drive Thru Opening Vegetarian and Vegan-Friendly Eatery at San Francisco Airport…
Amy’s Drive-Thru, a popular vegan-friendly roadside destination in the suburbs of Northern California, is opening a location at the San Francisco International airport. This will be the brand’s first of several planned expansions. The new location is scheduled to open in Terminal 1 sometime in July 2019.
The company made the announcement on Instagram, captioning, “…Get ready for next level airport food for omnivores, vegans, vegetarians and gluten-free eaters alike. Think breakfast sandwiches, veggie burgers, burritos, milkshakes and more.” The brand hopes to have these three venues up and running sometime in 2019 as well.
6] Plant-Based Doctors Display ‘Go Vegan’ Sign Outside The White House…
Hundreds of doctors joined together to deliver their ‘important message’. More that 1,000 plant-based health care professionals and students came together in front of White House recently to share what they called an ‘important message’ – brandishing a banner that said ‘Go Vegan’.
Led by the Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), co-ordinated with the organization’s annual health event, the display occured during PCRM’s sixth-annual International Conference on Nutrition in Medicine in Washington, D.C., co-hosted with the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
7] FASTING – An Effective Ancient Therapy for Today’s Health Concerns…
Improvements in numerous medical conditions are routinely seen during water fasts lasting more than a few days. virtually all the debilitating chronic diseases that afflict people in Western societies are the result of their high-fat, overly-processed, salt-sugar-and-oil-laden, animal-based food stream that people pour through their tissues hour after hour, day after day, year after year, courtesy of the Standard American Diet.
When a truly health-promoting food stream based upon whole, plant-based foods is run through the body, day after day, month after month, year after year, most diseases processes stop in their tracks and true, deep healing begins. a water fast is a very powerful way to initiate healing and to bring rapid and dramatic improvement to these common, and life-threatening diseases.
Celebrate with us as we celebrate with you being on this journey to health and wellness. Now is your chance to be a bigger part of the ripple effect we are seeing be created.
Don’t forget to Invite your family and friends to be a part of this journey with you. Through the END OF OCTOBER, everyone who subscribes gets 6 months of upgraded access to the program.
All you have to do is forward this link with a note to say “You’ve got to sign up for this. It’s free and it’s worth it!”
Tips from the Kitchen

Try this Rainbow Buddha Bowl by Beantown Kitchen
–Need a Recipe for a Tasty Dish? Here’s something that’s Tastes Super Delicious!
Try this easy recipe for an afternoon delight.
We love to share our recipes and invite you to share yours in our Facebook Group.
Whole Food, Plant-Based Resources
It’s sometimes believed that eating a healthful diet will cost more money. But does it?
https://youtu.be/aUaNDDuqmCs!What diet should physicians recommend? Let’s ask Dr. Greger!
words labeled on the containers and by exposure to different sound vibrations (music, speaking, etc.) prior to freezing them. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s findings contributed to not only the impact of such infusion on the water through this freezing process, one can relate that to the impact on the body from drinking water infused with high energy versus negative or low vibrations. Read and watch for more of the details.
From all of us at Hippocrates Docs, on behalf of Just 1 Thing 4 Health,
have a great week and remember your Challenge for this week is to:
“Drink More Optimal Amounts of Water – The Natural Harmonizer”
Hippocrates Docs and Just 1 Thing 4 Health (c) 2019 All Rights Reserved